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CueBlocks and I

Aastha joined us as a copywriter and became an important member of the content strategy division. She has proved to be an asset for the company not only because of her skills but also because of her personality and value-system. 

However, her association with us ends here as she moves on. Here’s what she has to say about her stay at CueBlocks. 

‘We both are learning from each other everyday’ was my reply when someone recently asked me about my relationship with CueBlocks.

I joined CueBlocks in the summer of 2010 as a copywriter. It was my first ever job and I was selected via a college placement procedure. Yes, I was scared, nervous but ecstatic to work with a team that was truly inspiring. I had read a lot about CueBlocks and the Directors – Avneet, Sarthak and Pancham online, before the interview. After meeting the team, I was mesmerized my their humility and work environment, and was just praying to get an opportunity to be a part of this team, which thankfully happened.

My journey with CueBlocks has been amazing to the core. I have learned, experienced, grown, fallen, risen up again and loved every bit of it. The amount of learning and knowledge I’ve gained at CueBlocks is insanely high and has been transformational for me, in a very positive manner. I’ve grown wiser and realistic in thoughts and decisions. A ‘Thank You’ is a very small expression of what I feel right now.

During these 3 years, I got a chance to meet a lot of amazing people, some uniquely skilled and gifted, and some really sensible and forward thinking people who inspire you to live life in high spirits and with even higher integrity.

Though it’s my job to mingle with words everyday, yet today I’m falling short of words to express my love and gratitude to each and everyone associated with CueBlocks, for making this journey worthwhile. Things couldn’t have gotten any better and I’m taking along with me heaps of learning and a positive outlook toward life.

Learn, aspire and inspire to reach high. Everything that you do with honesty will make you a better person at the end of the day!

I wish all the best to CueBlocks for their future endeavors and look forward to be part of many more wonderful times with them.

I am a writer, reader, and a part time adventure and travel enthusiast. The other three things that vie for my mind share are dark chocolate, coffee, and photography. I am highly motivated by user perspectives and addressing the common human experience when I write.