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CueBlocks’ Brawny Stint at Rishikesh

When punching keyboards day in and out takes a toll on creative mojo and sitting for long hours with hunched backs droops more than shoulders; it’s time to listen to the sweetness of words like ‘breathers’, ‘relaxing’ and ‘unwinding’. And that’s what we did – picked up our bags and trotted to where water, sun and sand are not as we know them.

CB 11
CB 11

CueBlocks took the time off and went on one high-octane Rafting trip that’s not going to get out of minds for a long time! The place was Rishikesh, Uttarakhand (, the city of temples and the Ganga. Our objective – pure fun and living off adrenalin for two days!

On Familiar Waters
On Familiar Waters

We arrived at Rishikesh on Saturday morning driving all Friday night. Our adventure schedule included 29 Km of Rafting, Rappelling and Rock climbing. There was also a surprise deal which literally meant taking the step off the edge – Cliff Jumping. The stage was already set and what was needed were strong players. We had already warded off the exhaustion from the previous night and were full on in for the adventure.

Rafting was first on the list and we took about 2 hours 30 minutes to complete the terrain which was not without some mean deals called ‘Rapids’ the meaning of which is better experienced than explained. Rapids are waves in the river that show no mercy and mock the attempts of poor mortals crunched together on a deflatable raft. 🙂 They are classified into different grades based on their insanity and power. The Rapids that we met were grade 3 (the highest is 5). Which is something for the rookies!

After going through so many rapids, the still water was just a breeze! But what really jolted the heart was Cliff Jumping. Some of us tried it and enjoyed the free fall of our lives into the water from 10 feet above! In one word – insane! We reached back at the camp, hungry, drop dead tired but content with the display of courage and comedy.

Lost in Anticipation :)
Lost in Anticipation 🙂

Later when food found way to our stomachs we tried our hands at Volley Ball and played till the last ounce of energy was sapped out. The games started as friendly and fun but soon the competition was on and trash talk filled in where the skill lacked. In the volley of mocking exchanges, spikes and slams emerged as winners and the players soon retired to their dwellings to ward off some tiredness before the bon-fire at night.

The super-active day ended on quite a contrary but inevitable note with dinner around the simmering fire, as life experiences were shared and jokes splattered about. The riverside, the reach-and-touch silver stars and the company of friends was all too perfect but was cut down by weariness of the day.

The next day we had rappelling and rock climbing. It wasn’t much of an ordeal but had its own fun and fancy.  And soon after the breakfast, the Volley ball was again seen picked and pounded across the net, while the sweet chin music played in the background.


What followed was some more splashing about in the water, packing and gearing up for the journey back home. The trip was coming to end but something else was brimming – a stock of great stories to share and enjoy plus a lifetime of experience to cherish. Not to forget the pain and bruises to mark our adventure.

P.S – Our photographers have done a brilliant job in capturing our stay at Rishikesh. The shots will help a lot where words have failed

You can view more shots at:

P.P.S – The people who lost their way while coming back were privileged to some extra-adventure. Not sure, if they’d be up to sharing it. But they did mention ‘getting lost is not a waste of time’  🙂

I am a writer, reader, and a part time adventure and travel enthusiast. The other three things that vie for my mind share are dark chocolate, coffee, and photography. I am highly motivated by user perspectives and addressing the common human experience when I write.

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