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Good Writing gets Higher Google Ranking

Joel Walsh, founder, owner and head writer of UpMarket Content, compared top five sites displayed by Google when a query is entered and stumbled upon some very interesting results. He compiled them all in an article entitled ‘Google’s Good Writing Content Filter‘.


Arcane technical criteria like keywords density, link text and PageRank, he emphasized, take a backseat now when Google determines site ranking and content comes first. Google is now identifying websites with good content and putting them over those which maybe sound technically but have average or poor language. A briefing of the article follows.

All high ranking websites shared all or most of the following points:

* Updating – The content on high ranking websites is rapidly updated, essentially once a few weeks but sometimes as frequently as once or twice a week. Activity on the website ensures that the text is fresh.

* Spelling and grammar – Joel Walsh observed that sites which featured higher had very few or no errors. No page had more than 3 misspelled words or 4 grammatical errors.

* Paragraphs – Content is divided into neat and clear paragraphs. Preferably the paragraph should have not more than 5 sentences.

* Lists – The content which has listings (bullets and numbers) has higher appeal thus the ranking given to the website is higher.

* Sentence length – Short sentences with 10 words or fewer make site navigation easier. They also ensure clarity and neatness.

* Contextual relevance – Numerous terms related to the keyword are used instead of the keywords reverberating again and again.

The content for a website should thus be created keeping the above mentioned points in mind. Technical aspects like keyword optimization, links, PageRank, etc. still carry much importance when ranking is determined but text is given more attention.

This really does make us writers feel special now.Doesn’t it? 🙂