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Link Building Basics

What Is Link Building?

Link building is the process of creating inbound links to our own website. This can be done by reciprocal links, being listed in directories, yellow pages, etc. Link building is one of the important methods to make your site popular.

Link building (also known as link popularity building) plays a vital role in the field of Internet Marketing. The link building method for promoting websites is not only beneficial for search engine rankings, but more importantly, it is required for getting good quality traffic to the website. As far as SEO is concerned, link building is an important off-page optimization factor that affects organic rankings in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

It gets good results if it’s done in a professional manner and by interacting with good quality websites.

Types of Link building:

There are 3 basic link building methods:

1. One-Way Link Building – It is the process of receiving links from a website of similar interest. This is a one way link because of absence of any link connecting you back to the website.

2. Reciprocal Link Building – This is a two-way linking process where the two sites of similar neighborhood connect to each other by exchanging links. usually, reciprocal links are a result of an agreement between parties to share traffic and improve link popularity.

3. Three Way Link Building – It’s a form of link exchange which involves three websites.

Building Links: Why submit website to directories?

There are many advantages for a web site if it is linked from Web Directories:

– Your site will get good quality traffic.
– Search engines index your website quickly.
– Your website will get higher rankings on search engines if the directories or yellow pages are quality sites and are themselves linked with authoritative sites.

Merits of Link Building

Links for your site is one of the things that Google looks for to decide how important your site is, and its ranking. Not all links have equal value. What determines the value of the link is its relevancy to the page it is linked to.

1) Link Popularity Increases Your Pagerank (PR). Link Exchange is really helpful in increasing the page rank of our page. Page rank is something that is mainly based on a site’s link popularity.

2) Link Popularity Leads To Traffic. With high quality incoming links, your site will be seen as a valuable resource and through links, you’ll attract more eyes to your website.

3) Link Popularity creates trust between your site & the visitor. When a visitor comes across text links of your site on many different webpages, he or she is bound to think that you are a trusted name in your industry.

4) Link Building provides lot of financial assistance to you. In most cases, Link exchange leads to conversions i.e., buying the products you are selling, downloading your stuff, reading your content or clicking on the ads that you have on your site.

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