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Words – Misunderstood & Misused

There are many words in the English language that are misunderstood and inevitably misused. And not just misunderstood, there are other words that were coined in a state of delusion (supposedly) and relentlessly come up here or there.

But how and why does this happen? Simply because people don’t bother to stop and check the meaning or the usage! Do you?  Well, see the list below and figure yourself what line do you lead/ tail.

We’re taking up only three words as of now and will continue to add to the list just as we counter more of them grim users.

Incredible – It means not credible, hard to believe, unbelievable, so extraordinary as to seem impossible. Incredible is used at all the wrong places, most of the times in complimentary places. People use incredible to express someone’s/ some thing’s beauty or how amazing it is. That is incredibly wrong ;). Delete the word as a complimentary adjective from your minds completely. Incredible can be used to commend speed, time, energy etc. and may be beauty if one happens to come across Helen of Troy 😉 or may be your girlfriend.

Irregardless – This is not a word. ‘Irregardless’ is incorrect, period! All that the extra prefix ‘Ir’ does in this word is negate the suffix ‘Less’ and brings you back to where you started from – ‘Regard’ – as far as meaning is concerned.

Bemused –  What it means – lost/ confused or pre-occupied. It is often understood as amusing or something that makes you laugh. Not the same thing right? So using them interchangeably isn’t what you should be doing!

Apart from these, there are many other that completely butcher the sense of a phrase/ sentence if not used more carefully. We’ll be putting them up here soon, so keep coming back for more to save yourself from that crushing moment of embarrassment!

Until then, be very cautious of such stubborn trolls, I mean words.

I am a writer, reader, and a part time adventure and travel enthusiast. The other three things that vie for my mind share are dark chocolate, coffee, and photography. I am highly motivated by user perspectives and addressing the common human experience when I write.