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Google AdWords – The 'To-Do List'

Here’s a to-do list of Google Adwords program optimization techniques that can improve your campaign performance.

1. Targeting Smartphones – In just a few months, mobile searching, usage & ecommerce will outdo the traditional online methods. You should already be seeing traffic from smartphones in your analytics. Develop a website which is more adaptable to a mobile interface for improved conversion rate.

2. Ad Testing – This one’s a no brainer. Even after you have found an ad that is a winner, keep on testing and re-testing. Audience and requirements change – keep ideating and stay with the seasons.

3. Re-marketing– It is one of the most powerful ways of staying connected with the users who have already visited your website. Even if you have no plans of re-marketing immediately, it would be advisable to start creating your re-marketing list by adding the AdWords re-marketing code on your website.

4. Test and Re-test your landing pages. Use website optimizer to test various dimensions of the landing page. See which image, paired with what text is getting you better results. Test various call-to-action buttons on the website, such as Download now vs. Download free. This way you can find out which pairs work best and give better results.

5. Evaluate your search queries from the search query report to find what exact terms the users are using while searching for your website. Find the queries which are irrelevant or are proving expensive, i.e. getting a large amount of clicks but no conversions. Adding such queries as negative keywords. The search queries that receive conversions can be added as exact match keywords with a high bid.

6. ‘Google Ad Extensions’ is a great tool. Extensions such as  Ad Sitelinks, Location Extensions, Call extensions, Product Extensions, Social extensions and Seller ratings increase the relevance of your ad for the user and provide new ways for the customers to contact a business via phone or visiting the store physically.

7. If your store has an extensive inventory, contact your Google rep and get started with Dynamic Search Ads. Here, Google uses its organic web crawling technology to scan through the website continually and generate ads relevant to user’s search terms.

8. Check your Google Analytics account to find organic keywords that are getting conversions. Add those keywords in your AdWords account to give them more exposure and creating sales in the process.

9. If you are only using the exact or phrase match type keywords, you can increase your traffic and conversions by adding keywords with broad match modifier. Modifiers will add more precision to your broad match keywords, and narrow their range. Using a broad match modifier can increase the relevance and the click-through-rate of your keywords.

10. Segment and analyze the performance of your account by network, click type, top vs other and device. For example, on segmenting the performance by device type, if you notice that you are getting huge amount of clicks from mobile users and comparatively lesser conversions, either remove mobile from your targeted device settings or make your website more mobile-device friendly to make the customers stay and take action.

Regardless of the industry, these tips will better your campaign’s performance.

We will be coming with a second part to this soon. Telling you what NOT to do. Until then, Happy advertising!

CueBlocks manages about $2 million Ad Spend and is a both AdWords and Analytics Qualified company.

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I am a writer, reader, and a part time adventure and travel enthusiast. The other three things that vie for my mind share are dark chocolate, coffee, and photography. I am highly motivated by user perspectives and addressing the common human experience when I write.